Sunday 8 September 2013

Iyanden Knight and Serpents WIP

Inspired by playing against Eldar for the first time recently with my CSM, I dusted off the pounds of Eldar metal I got earlier this year from eBay. Those minis came with a Iyanden theme, but have since been stripped and now re-based and primed. I had the Eldar Codex and the Iyanden Supplement already, since they were on my to-do list. Now was the time to get busy with this. My intent is to have a playable 1750 point army painted and ready to go for a local club meeting next Friday.

Clearly, I have to try the wraithknight. Just because he looks awesome. Just as certain is that putting him on the table in naked plastic is a no-go. Taking what I learned doing a wraithknight recently, I went to town on mine.

Clearly, the fact that I liberally put magnets everywhere when building this helped making the parts accessible, but still wasn't enough to minimize masking for airbrush. This shot shows all parts with grey Vallejo primer, blue and German grey applied.

I then covered up the grey painted areas, did the blue parts and covered those up. I used mostly masking tape, but tried liquid mask on the shoulder pads, one knee and the socks. Looks a bit like a papercraft project! 

Unfortunately, I messed up the liquid mask. Again. It wasn't the drying time or thickness of the mask this time, I gave it almost a day. Yet, it stuck on the blue paint and didn't rub off as intended, leaving spots behind. My best guess is that I didn't give the blue long enough time to dry and messed that up with the mask. Oh well. I cut off the shoulder pads, sanded them and then did them over before gluing them back. The kneepad and the socks I only did clean-up and touchup on.

The yellow is Citadel Yriel Yellow with Flash Glitz Yellow as highlight. The blue is just straight basic Vallejo Model Air blue, the grey is VMA German grey with Citadel Nuln Oil over it. Citadel Warplock Bronze and hashut Copper for the metal parts. VMA Tank Brown, Sand and Tamiya Clear Red for the gems. VMA white primer and white paint for the helmet and the glaive.

Next up are wave serpents. Yes, they are FOTM, but also staple Eldar Transport. I'm not interested in playing six serpents, since I want to use Wraith units instead of the cheaper infantry. That's why I picked four.

After the hassle with excessive masking to overcome problems created by too early or too far assembly with the wraith knight, I wanted to be certain not to do this to myself with the serpents.

I inserted 6x2mm magnets for the chin and top weapon mounts. I beefed up the turrets sides with 2mm thick plasticard and used 6x6mm magnets inserted into the plasticard. The magnets are totally oversized for gripping power, but the size just works with the gap between turret and weapons. I would have used 3x6 or similar if I had them on stock, but didn't want to wait. I carefully drilled out the holes in the scatter lasers up to 3mm and inserted 3x3mm magnets. The choice was clear since their mount part is 3mm wide. The little armour plates that go on the weapons have recesses that are marginally over 2mm wide and deep, so I stuck 2x2mm magnets in there.

Using poster glue pads, I stuck all the small parts which didn't receive magnets on metal cans and lids split by colours. The bottom hulls I primed in Vallejo German Grey-Black, just like the weapons and air intakes. Everything else I primed white. Not really by choice, but my grey Vallejo Primer was pretty much out. Thinking to try the Vallejo Yellow which needs a lighter base than the Citadel, I went with it.

I then liberally applied VMA Medium Yellow and let that dry overnight. Next I got busy with blue tape and a hobby knife to put a mask on the top hull. Then I hit it with VMA blue and then with some more blue with white mixed in to create gradients rather than completely flat blue segements. That distracts from the really annoying to highlight yellow. ;-]

After removing the mask, it looks like this. Just clicked together with the magnets of course, nothing glued yet. You can see the serpent spikes on the right.

I'm not certain what I'm going to do with the pilot or the transparent plastic in front of him, but I'll pick something once I got the rest done.
Another thing I'll have to figure out is transfer decals. I'll test this and see if I like the supplied decals or if I'll try to cut my own stencils for airbrush decals. Looking at an army, that might make sense, but the quality needs to be on the level. I'll do some test pieces.
A final point are alternative bases for the grav tanks. The originally supplied ones are way too wobbly for my taste.

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